Section 2: Bending Techniques

Coming Soon!


  1. i would really like to learn water bending plz help me

  2. I am a young firebender who would appreciate seeing this article updated soon... Thank you.

  3. I want to learn the techniges because i'm a young beginner firebender

  4. I am a new airbender trying to learn new things...can't wait

  5. I can't wait. I really wanna become like aang. Anyway I appreciate you people creating this website thank you.

  6. Thank you lot for this website.

  7. Can you add an airball technique

  8. Thank you for making this site but could you please hurry with your articles? It's October now so I think you probably have a limmated time schedule and all what you could do is use some stuff from your other website that is still up (don't remember what is is called at the moment) anyway I think you are doing great

  9. Take your time and do what you feel needs to be done do not let these people force you to put out something bad. Stay true to your integrity and keep your patience

  10. Look.. Creating bending technique is not easy... Even to those who had mastered bending. They need to try and test them first, not just copy-paste, so take your time! I hope you will do hydro too XD

  11. can anyone help me i can't waterbend and i did everything

  12. Please hurry with water and earth sirs and madams

  13. listen guys take all the time you need for a flawed technique could be dangerous for certain bending i hope your teachings are as good as always.

  14. well guys take your time to make the article.. but may it be a quality one.. we trust you guys.. hope it comes soon..

  15. this site is very different then the old one wish is the best for beginners

  16. Can't wait till the site is updated. And is it possible to bend more than one element?

  17. Will you see the bending when you do it?

  18. please update I really want to become an earthbender

  19. Hi thanks for making the site I still haven't got any results yet but I'm still going
    I wish luck to all of you :)

  20. Why is it saying I posted at 1:16 am. I posted at 9:16 am

  21. Hello. I dont want to rush you guys, but I just want to ask you: Can you hurry up. We all are waitting for new updates and we are doing it pretty long. I know that its hard becous you got allots of details to tell thats important but I just want to hurry you up alitle. Atleast alitle.
    Nice Bending

    Mr. Element

  22. Thats it... Weve been waitting for too long. Are you still alive, or have you been taken by a goverment. Please answer us. >:-l

  23. I hope this thing gets done soon I dont want to rush but I cant wait to learn more!

  24. Hi guys, I feel confident.
    Just a question
    Is this real?
    I think it is but I want support
    And how easy is it?

  25. I want to learn more air water
